Then and Now: 2301 Danforth Ave

This photo was taken in 1945.


This building was the “Hotel Quigley”.

The structure draws it’s inspiration from mixed architectural styles. Seemingly, a mix mash of Art Deco and Art Moderne, which were popular from 1920 to 1945 with traces of Georgian and Tudor.

The building features quoining (the stone forming the external corner of the exteriour wall), the entranceway is in the middle and the windows are all common architectural styles of the Georgian Era. The windows are known as 8 x 8 sash windows (consisting of two frames that contain 8 panes of glass). The sashes are placed one above the other so that one can slide over the other.


The building still exists, but it’s far from what it used to be.

The brick and timber decor has been stucco’d and painted over. Why the owner decided on mustard yellow and blue is anyone’s guess. The decorative windows have also all been replaced. The old hotel signage above the entrance which was a popular feature of the Art Moderne Era is also gone and replaced with a dull banner ad.

Today, the main floor is occupied by Wise Guys Bar and Grill while the upper floors are rental apartments. While the rest of the commercial buildings along Danforth between Woodbine and Main aren’t particularly interesting, 2301 Danforth is just obnoxious (in my opinion of course).


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